We all have a life story to tell. Some of us have lived longer than others and some of us have lived far more exciting lives than others. It does not matter. What matters is that we write our story down for the benefit of our posterity. Three generations from now I certainly do not want to be forgotten in my families memories.
So now that you are all charged up (step 1) and ready to go......let’s begin. Decide what type of notebook you want to record your life in. There are all types of notebooks from spiral to nice hard bound journal format types. Be sure to choose the kind that will endure time....and contain acid free paper. That is very important.
Pencil is for making mistakes....but ink is lasting. I would go for the ink. Look ahead and be prepared to end up with several notebooks worth of your life story. Remember...your life does not end until you take your last breath....and neither should writing about it end until then.
Pen and paper.....wait.....you might decide you want to write your story in a word processor. One recommendation if going this route....please write PART of your life story on paper in your own handwriting. Your posterity would absolutely LOVE seeing and having your handwriting. The part of your story I would suggest to write in your hand..would be the very beginning of your story.
Using a word processor is easy for editing, for adding in something you forgot, and for printing out lots of copies for family members to have. Just make sure you remember to keep current backup copies of the file.