The Story of my Life

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Step 4....Decide on a format for your life story

Now that you have finished step 3, you now need to decide how you want to write your story.

There are several formats that you can use to write your life story. You can even use all three formats, if you want to.

Format A...Chronological order. Write about the important events in your life in the order in which they occurred, such as: the forties, fifties, etc. OR...use a more flexible chronological order, such as: earliest memories, friends and school, fun times, talents, etc. OR...this: birth to 5 years, childhood 5-12, teen years 13-19, courtship and marriage, vocation, married life and children, middle-age and towards retirement, reminiscing, words of wisdom, personal philosophy, etc. It is all up to you as to how you would like to portray your life story.

Format B... Using main topics. Write your story in the form of essays and episodes. Decide on the main topics of your life that you wish to write about. Write them in any order when you are in the mood, then assemble them in an order that seems logical to you.

Format C... Choosing a theme. Perhaps you may feel that there has been a dominant theme that has guided or directed your life—your mission in life. The theme may come from a scriptural passage or event, a spiritual gift, or a talent. In separate essays, discuss this guiding theme.